Currently, we are a parish without a rector. We have enjoyed a wide
variety of locally available priests to celebrate the Eucharist, and we have
been able to establish a Supply Plus relationship with one of them during
our transition. He has maintained office hours one day a week, has made
hospital and home visits to several parishioners, and has given
communion to those unable to attend in person.
It is our hope that the rector we choose would have a heart for
continuing this care of our ailing members, as well as establishing office
hours for the express purpose of ministering to parishioners one on one.
In the meantime, we try to maintain a level of pastoral care through our
prayer groups, DOK chapter and Men’s Prayer Breakfast. We have
members of the Order of St. Luke praying with parishioners each week
during communion. We maintain a meal ministry and have several
individuals who visit shut-ins on a regular basis.